|Normal|: layer objects are drawn directly to output.
|Draw|: layer objects are drawn onto Image |P1|. Use a mask to limit drawing area.
|Output|: overwrites the output wherever Image |P1| is non-transparent.
|Dump Mask|: completely overwrites the output with mask values, where On and Off mask values are processed as black and white image values.
|Stop|: prevents processing of Script Commands in above layers.
|Copy Image|: overwrites the image |P2| with non-transparent part of image |P2|.
|Clear|: image |P1| is made transparent. A |None| mask results in a completely transparent |P1|.
|Whiten|: |P1| pixels, except transparent pixels, are changed to the color |white|.
|Blacken|: |P1| pixels, except transparent pixels, are changed to the color |black|.
|Reverse|: |P1| pixels are reversed in color. For example, |white| goes to |black|, and |red| changes to |cyan|.
|Move|: Replaces non-transparent pixels from |P2| with non-trasparent pixels in |P1|.
|Multiply|: the pixel color values in |P2| are multiplied by corresponding values in |P1|. The |P2| image is |proportionately| darkened.
|Average|: the pixel color values in |P2| are set to the average of color values in |P1| pixels and |P2| pixels.The result is an |equal blend| of images.
|Add|: the pixel color values in |P1| are added to the color values in pixels from |P2|. The action |brightens| color values.
|Subtract|: the pixel color values in |P1| are subtracted from the color values in pixels from |P2|. The action |darkens| color values.
|Minimum|: |P2| pixels are set to the minimum of |P1| and |P2|. The action |limits brightness|.
|Maximum|: |P2| pixels are set to the maximum of |P1| and |P2|. The action |limits darkness|.
|Noise|: |P2| is modified by random noise. Color values in |P1| control the intensity of the noise.
|Set Blend|: sets the blending for the |Blend| command. Each pixel provides 3 blending values - one for each color channel. If |Set Blend| is not used, 50% averaging is used. Note: |black| is "0"; |white| is "1.0".
|Blend| blends images, based on the |Set Blend| command. |P2| is set to (|P1|*|Blend|) + (|P2|*(Blend-1.0)). Therefore, bright values from the |Set Blend| image will emphasize the P1 image.
|XOR B&W|: if corresponding pixels from |P1| and |P2| differ, the pixel from |P2| is set black, otherwise white.
|BIC B&W|: if a pixel in |P1| is black, then force the corresponding pixel in|P2| to white.
|AND B&W|: if corresponding pixels from |P1| and |P2| are both black, do nothing. Otherwise, force the pixel from |P2| to white.
|OR B&W|, if either |P1| and |P2| pixels are black, then |P2| is set black.
|On|: values in mask |P1| are set to |On|.
|On|: values in mask |P1| are set to |Off|.
|Invert|: values in mask |P1| are |switched| between On and Off.
|Copy Mask|: values in mask |P1| are copied to mask |P2|.
|Not Copy|: the invert values of mask |P1| are copied to mask |P2|.
|Or|:if a value in mask |P1| is On, the corresponding value in mask |P2| is forced to On.
|Xor|: if the |P1| mask value differs from the |P2| mask value, the |P2| value is forced On, otherwise Off.
|And|: if the |P1| mask and the |P2| mask is On, then do nothing. Otherwise force the |P2| Mask to Off.
|Extract|: if a pixel from |P1| and |P2| match, or either pixel is transparent, the corresponding image mask |P2| is turned off. Use Extract to remove a background color, |P1|, from an image.
|Draw Black| add the black pixels from the draw layer to the mask buffer.
|Draw Mask| compute the mask for the draw layer and add it to the mask buffer.
|Split| If the P1<P2 or P1 equals 0, then its mask is turned off; otherwise mask P2 is turned off. Red channel is for color pixels.
|RGB to HSB| convert the red, green and blue values to hue, saturation and brightness.
|HSB to RGB| convert the hue, saturation and brightness to red, green and blue values.
|Add with Wrap|: the pixel color values in |P1| are added to the color values in pixels from |P2|. Overflow values wrap-around to zero.
|Subtract with Wrap|: the pixel color values in |P1| are subtracted from the color values in pixels from |P2|. Overflow values wrap-around.
|Motion:| specify the timing (P1 and P2 form 2 digit number) and interpolation. Terminate a motion sequence with any command except |Static| or |Motion|.
|Static:| this command is part of a motion sequence,but objects are not interpolated (animated) for the static time period.